Friday, May 28, 2021

“The only true strength is that of grace, which is a gift from God and given only when a person recognizes and experiences one’s own weakness.” 

- Jean-Claude Larchet, Theology of the Body, pg 58. 


Do we desire the strength to successfully deal with the challenges that life presents us with?  We must recognize our own weakness not judging it as a negative quality, but an acknowledgment of the neutral fact that we need Christ in our lives.

Successful lives are a cooperation of our free will with God’s grace. Meaning, when we choose to follow Christ in every thought word and deed each day. 

Our instinct tells us to muster up our own strength to deal with things, but the key is to release control and give space for God to work in our lives. Every service, sacrament, prayer, and discipline in the life of the Church is here to help us accomplish this.  

God told Saint Paul when he was suffering, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”(1) 

God’s strength is made perfect in our weaknesses, therefore, let us not judge our own weaknesses but let them remind us to take action and reach out to God.
