Wednesday, June 2, 2021

“Prayer - proseuche - is turning towards a person (Christ). 

Prayer of the heart - euche -  is a kind of state of being, so to speak, resting in and enjoyment of the place where God is.”
- Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra, The Church at Prayer, pg 13.  


The sacraments and our personal prayer necessitate each other; neither one is fully authentic if either one is absent in our lives. God, through worship and the sacraments stretches out toward us, and we through prayer, stretch out toward Him, until our total union comes about.(1) 

“When we speak of the inner prayer of the heart, we do not call it ‘proseuche’ (prayer towards someone), but rather ‘euche’, indicating (by the absence of the prefix ‘pros’) that the progression of prayer “toward” a specific person, with a goal of union with that person, has in a sense been achieved."(2)

Through worship and the sacraments we allow God to dwell within us, and we take refuge in and willfully acknowledge His direct presence. We open our hearts to freely receive Him in our lives.

Let us come to know He Whom we are praying to (worship/sacraments), and also reach out to Him expressing our love and opening our hearts (prayer). 

Then we can rest in and enjoy the place where God is: in our hearts. (Once we have let Him in via the sacraments and prayer).


1) Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra, The Church at Prayer, pg 13.  

2) Archimandrite Aimilianos of Simonopetra, The Church at Prayer, pg 13.