Friday, May 7, 2021

“Spiritual courage makes one turn toward God and seek His mercy and blessing. Courage is a valiant frame of mind and complete hope in God.” 
- Met Hierotheos of Nafpaktos, The Science of Spiritual Medicine, pg 116 


Spiritual courage gives us the strength to travel the difficult road of repentance and humility, allowing us to see ourselves for who we really are, and have the strength to then ask for God’s help. To get back up once we have fallen.(1) 

Since it is not courage based on our own strength, it is not prideful, instead based on trust and hope in God and seeking His mercy and love. 

How do we develop this kind of courage, so that we do not despair when we make mistakes, but rather seek out the help of God every time we fall? 

We strengthen our courage the more we spend time with God in prayer, reading of scripture, in worship at Church, and connecting with Him in the most unique ways on earth by the Sacraments of Holy Communion and Confession. 

Let us love God by spending more intentional time with Him, and we will see ourselves more apt to get up after we have fallen, to seek His help once we recognize our shortcomings.  

1) Met Hierotheos of Nafpaktos, The Science of Spiritual Medicine, pg 117.