Friday, May 21, 2021

“If we want to be free, we must hear the word of God and accept and keep it in our heart, so that we can recognize the truth through which we become free. Otherwise we remain slaves to sin and serve our (unhealthy) passions.” 
- St Nektarios, Homilies V. 1 pg 35. 


What is true freedom? Christ says, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”(1)

True freedom is freedom in the truth of our hearts, which only Christ can reveal to us. It is being authentic with ourselves, recognizing our strengths and weaknesses and walking with Christ to find healing. It is freedom from sin and from being trapped in our impulses, pride, and self-centeredness.  If we are free from those things, our decisions in life become all the more fruitful.

True freedom is to become a follower; of Christ and His Word, emulating His sacrificial and humble love.

We often think of freedom as a result of our society’s laws, our financial independence, and our own strength, but these are actually secondary to our inner freedom. 
External freedom is how a person can end up with “everything” and still feel unfulfilled: they are not free in their hearts. No matter what our circumstances might be, we will feel at peace if we have our inner freedom in Christ.

“We are obliged to shape our heart if we wish to be followers of Christ and therefore, truly faithful followers of the Savior and as lovers of true freedom, let us take up our own crosses and follow Christ, Who shall free us from the slavery of sin, and make us truly free.”(2)

1) John 8
2) St Nektarios of Aegina, Homilies, V.1 pg 37.