Friday, April 2, 2021

“Silence when exercised with awareness and discernment is the mother of prayer, custodian of zeal for God,
a guard on our thoughts...a friend of tears,
a companion of stillness, a growth of knowledge, a hand to shape contemplation, hidden progress, the mystical journey upward.” 

Have we ever regretted saying too much?  

Silence as a response is humility and closeness with God. It is the foundation of so many virtues, while excessive or careless speaking leads to so many mistakes.   

St James reminds us, “let every person be swift to hear, slow to speak.”(1) Christ Himself was silent when being falsely accused by Pilate.(2) How often do we follow His example, responding only when needed and calmly in wisdom?

“The person who recognizes their sin has taken control of their tongue, while the chatterer has yet to discover himself/herself as they should.”(3)

In other words, the more we quiet our minds and listen, the easier we will hear God and come to know Him. In this way we also come to know ourselves, and foster personal growth when we ask for God’s help.   

“Be still and know that I am God”(4) This is one recipe for prayer, to be silent, still, and undistracted and reach out to God. 

Let us schedule time with God in silence, once a day, so that we may see ourselves for who we really are and have the opportunity to mature, while growing closer to Christ.
From our relationship with God we draw the strength to be ‘swift to listen, and slow to speak’ when situations arise around us.


1) James 1:19

2) Matthew 27 

3) St John Climacus, Thirty Steps to Heaven, pg 97.

4) Psalm 46:10