Wednesday, March 31, 2021

“Forgetting what is behind and reaching forward to what is ahead. I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.”
-  Saint Paul, Philippians 3:13-14.


Saint Paul describes repentance, knowing that once God has removed our past burdens from our hearts through Holy Confession, we press onward to the Kingdom of Heaven with joy, hope, and love. 

When we repent, our life acquires an attitude of expectation, and not of despair.(1) If we want to solve what is going on around us, we must address what is weighing on our hearts internally first. 

Repentance and confession become a personal celebration of what God has already done for us in Christ. It is not a bargaining for forgiveness nor is it motivated by punishment; the focus is reuniting with God in His love, being freed from our burdens having changed our mindset and giving it all to God.(2) 
Christ died for us and He loves us more than we can imagine. We must turn to Him in repentance, genuine change of heart, through the sacrament He has given us: Holy Confession.  

Confession seals one’s change of direction from individualism to communion; from pride to love of God and neighbor. The bond of union between God and us becomes closer than it was before, each time we repent and confess.(3)

Let us dig deep and offer our mistakes, burdens, and our will to change fully unto God, so that we may press onward in peace and joy, opening ourselves to God's will in our lives - reaching our fullest potential.

1) Fr. Dn. John Chryssagis, Soul Mending, pg 32.
2) Fr. Dn. John Chryssagis, Soul Mending, pg 32.
3) Fr. Dn. John Chryssagis, Soul Mending, pg 27.