Wednesday, April 14, 2021

“Love has no boundary, and both in the present life and the future age we will never cease to progress in it, as we add light to light.” 
- St John Climacus 30 Steps to Heaven, pg 246. 


Our love for God is what strengthens our Faith in God. The more we love God and neighbor, it is like adding light to light; there is no end to love. 

“God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.”(1) Which means love is infinite, we will never reach the end of it.  We will continuously grow in our relationship with God. 

Our love for God guides our every decision and keeps us grounded with our behavior with others.  

How do we increase our love for God?   Think about people you love dearly…don't we think about them often?  Go out of our way to show that we are thinking of them?  Try to be there for them?  Spend time with them? Make time in our busy schedules for them?  

If we do all of these things for people we love, how much more should we do for God who created us and loves us, to the point of becoming human and dying on the Cross for us? 

Let us increase our love for God so that He may abide in us and us in Him, so that we may add light to light in our lives and experience everlasting joy. 
