Wednesday, January 20, 2021

“One may study many books, but if this person doesn’t also study and observe his/her own inner-self, then all that has been learned from books will go to waste.”

- St Paisios the Athonite, Spiritual Struggle, pg 153-154. 


Education without Christ-centered introspection of the heart, is a dead-end. 

Eventually we realize that worldly solutions do not suffice, for problems that are ultimately internal and of the soul. It starts with us acknowledging our strengths, weaknesses, and the state of our relationship with Christ. 

For real improvement in the world and in the relationships in our lives, we must examine our inner-self and start the change there: in the deepest parts of our heart and soul. We must acknowledge, confess, repent, and turn toward Christ. 

What is my response to the world, the people in it, and toward God Himself - the nature and degree of my ‘responsiveness’ to it all?

We educate our heart through our sacramental life in the Church; with the 10 Commandments(1), the Sermon on the Mount(2), Christ’s earthly ministry, His love and humility, and all the lives of the Saints as a litmus test for our heart and soul.  How do I measure up?

While we educate the mind daily, let us not forget to educate the heart also. When both are educated, there is balance, purpose, and understanding in our lives. 

This way we slowly come to know ourselves, our responsibility for ourselves, toward God, and toward our neighbor. Then our heart and mind work together united in Christ and we become as God intended; to be His Light, peace, and love in the world.
