Friday, January 1, 2021

“Discipline must always be applied to the wrongdoer in the manner of a physician, who is not angry with the patient, but fights the disease… Treat the disease, not the person

Pride therefore will be corrected by ordering the practice of humility, aimless talk by silence, slothfulness by work, greediness by abstinence from food, discontent by separation from others.”

- St Basil the Great, What the Church Fathers Say About, pg 161. 


As we begin our new year with the feast day of St Basil the Great (4th century), let us take a few minutes to contemplate these words of wisdom to heart. So that we may set off into this new year with a renewed mindset - rooted in the teachings of the Church and the love of Christ. 

Understanding that the wrongdoings/sins of a person are a disease which is harming them, reminds us that we are all created good and all are capable of repentance and growing beyond their mistakes with the help of God.

It frees us from our anger and moves us toward empathy, allowing us to be able to love everyone more easily as we are called to do by Christ.(1)

If we begin to understand and practice this mindset in any and all situations (with family, friends, strangers, in parenting and our relationships) - we will have more clarity in all interactions and our lives will become more peaceful and fulfilling.  

With this Orthodox Christian mindset, we can begin to make a difference in the new year this very moment.


1) Mark 12:30-31