Friday, January 22, 2021

“Every task we perform is at the same time a prayer. Our thoughts are focused on the job, and when we perform it from the heart, this means that we are doing it for God.” Elder Thaddeus, Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives, pg 107.  Reflection

God is present everywhere. Every task we do: our jobs, schoolwork, helping one another, and even the mundane chores within the home - can be actions of prayer.  

If we keep God in mind while doing something and do that task from the bottom of our heart, the action can be done in a prayerful state of mind.

Then we fulfill St Paul's words, "Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."(1)

We won't become tired of the chores and tasks each day as quickly, and we will see ourselves transformed: more peaceful, happy, and grateful. 

Let us approach every task from our hearts, so that our actions become prayers, and our prayers become actions.
