Wednesday, October 7, 2020

 “The Church is a hospital, because it offers the opportunity for people to move from the state of being isolated individuals - to that of personhood…”

- Metropolitan John Zizioulas Illness and Healing in Orthodox Theology, pg 49.
  Life Giving Spring


The way we live as Orthodox Christians is not simply a 'moral code' in order to be a 'good person', it is far deeper than that.  Our way of life is a result of the real relationship with a real person, God Himself, in order to lead us and others unto eternal life

We live as we are in the Kingdom of Heaven, here and now, bringing Christ to the world.  Let us not fall into the trap to live as individuals caring for ourselves in isolation from others, but as persons: those who have relationships with God and others.
Through our active relationship with God, we naturally show others His peace, His humility, His love.  Through this we provide inner healing by our very presence in their lives - since Christ is within us. 

In other words, each of our thoughts, words, and deeds should help others recover:
  1. Their true identity as bearers of the image and likeness of God(1) - recovering their value, their dignity, respect, growing in Christ. 

  1. A path that joins them into communion with our Creator(2), by being welcoming toward everyone so that they may always return, feeling worthy of being within the Church body and freely working on their relationship with Christ.

  1. Their citizenship of Heaven(3) - the way we live should inspire them to know that life is bigger than the citizenship here on earth. We are created for a higher purpose, we have immense value, to be with God in His Kingdom.  These things aren’t necessarily said bluntly, but rather, they are lived.

The Church is a community whose people are transformed by the interconnections experienced living as the Body of Christ.  Let us do our part with Christ to assist in keeping the Church community, a hospital: a haven where everyone, no matter what they are going through, can take refuge in our community and feel that they belong immediately and are embraced by Christ and neighbor.
