Wednesday, October 28, 2020

“Spiritual Nobility... is sacrifice. A noble soul only makes demands of itself, never from others.  Such a soul sacrifices itself for others without expecting anything in return.

A noble soul forgets all that it gives, but remembers even the slightest thing given to it. Such a noble soul has philotimo(1), humility and simplicity, selflessness, honesty; it has it all. It also has the greatest joy and exaltation.”  

-St Paisios(2) Volume V Passions and Virtues, pg 247-248


Have we been stressed lately?  More stress usually leads to closing ourselves off from others. As difficult as it may be, let us take St Paisios’ definition of a noble soul and put it into practice.  

Regardless of someone’s external appearance, opinions, comments, or mistakes in life - we are called to give our time, talents, and patience to others in this way. To give without measure, but repay even the slightest good done to us.

Let us keep ourselves accountable to sacrifice for our neighbor, and to acknowledge and repay those who have sacrificed for us. This is to treat everyone with the love of Christ(3), with spiritual nobility

When we ask Christ to help us act with a noble soul, our lives become more peaceful.  Our lives will become more joyful.  When we act in spiritual nobility, we will find even more fulfillment and purpose in each and every day.