Friday, June 26, 2020

“Why does this tiny nightingale produce these sounds? ...How marvelously you [nightingale] unceasingly carry on your duty, your prayer to God! ...I regarded all of them as angels of God, little birds that glorified God the Creator of all and no one heard them.

They weren't interested in being heard, but there in solitude, peace, the wilderness, in silence, they longed to be heard, but by whom? None other than by the Maker of everything- by Him who gave them life and breath and voice.”
  - St Porphyrios, Wounded By Love, pg 32. Reflection:
Saint Porphyrios reminds us to see God’s fingerprint in all of His creation. Any time we hear birds chirping, they are glorifying God(1) and their song is their prayer(2). The birds have a natural inclination to offer their beautiful songs without thinking about who hears them, other than the Creator Himself. We hear the beauty of God’s handiwork in their voices: gentle reminders of Christ and His love. Our ‘song’ is our way of life, our very being, our presence before God and our presence in the lives of others.  When other people see and hear us, do they see Christ and hear His love? It is not always easy for us to offer praise and gratitude to God or sacrifice for others without expectations of receiving something in return, be it public praise or good favor. However, when we pray or sacrifice for others with humility, without expectations or audiences, it allows us to become like the birds and praise God in our moments of solitude, peace, and silence. “We were given thought, so that we might know Christ; desire, that we might run to Him. We have memory, to bring Him to mind.(3) Every part of our being is created to bring us closer to Christ. Made in God’s Image and Likeness, becoming Christ-like is how we find what it means to be truly human. When we strive to be in perfect communion with God, our ‘song’ of gratitude is heard, and our presence is felt in the world - as beacons of Christ’s presence and conduits of His love. References: 1) Philippians 4:4-8 “ Rejoice in the Lord always! Again I will say, Rejoice! Let your gentleness be known to all men. The Lord is near. In nothing be anxious, but in everything, by prayer and petition with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God. 2) Psalm 103 (From Vespers) “Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name!...” 3) St Nicholas Cabasilas. Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos, The Science of Spiritual Medicine, pg 38.