Wednesday, June 24, 2020

"Think of Hannah’s example...she brought Samuel, her only son, to the temple, when he was only an infant! Who among you would not rather have a son like Samuel than one who became a king of the whole world ten thousand times over?  'It is impossible,’ you say, ‘for my son ever to become great as he.’ Why is it impossible? Because you don’t really want it; you won't entrust him to the One who is able to make him great. And who is that? God.” 

                                                                    - St John Chrysostom, On Marriage and Family Life, pg 68.


St John Chrysostom(1) is addressing parents here, regarding the raising of children - referencing the Old Testament - Book of Samuel the Prophet(2).  However, this applies to all of us, in every aspect of our lives. What part of our lives do we hesitate to give to God? What is holding us back? 
If we want something to be the greatest it can be, at its fullest potential (i.e. a decision, a school or career choice, a relationship with: a future spouse, spouse, family member, friend, coworker, or ‘enemy’) we must invite God into that part of our life first so He can guide us on the right path. When faced with any given situation, we can only think of finite possibilities. With God, the possibilities are infinite. Infinite possibilities, can also feel like infinite uncertainties. We may struggle to give our lives fully to God because we do not know the precise outcome(s) and we need to feel like we are in ‘control’.  Yet, this is where the infinite potential is realized in our lives when we involve God in each and every way. The same goes for entrusting our children to the Lord as St. John Chrysostom describes. The easiest way we can do this is to give them the gift of the Faith by being a living example of an Orthodox Christian. To help them establish roots so as they grow they will instinctively turn to God throughout their lives and be open to God’s will as they mature in His Holy Spirit. If we are dedicating ourselves, and our children through our example, to our Faith by prioritizing and matching the rhythm of our lives to the rhythm of the life of the Church (the services, sacraments, and ministries) it becomes easier(3) to include God in all of our decisions, small and large, in situations positive or negative. As we contemplate how to involve God in every aspect of our lives, we pray: “Let us commend ourselves and one another and our whole life to Christ our God.”(4) References: 1) Read More About St John Chrysostom Here 2) Read More About Prophet Samuel Here 3) Matthew 11:28-30: "Come to me, all you who labor and are heavily burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart; and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Jesus reaches out to us lending His help constantly, His mercy, we must reach back. 4) From the Divine Liturgy before the Lord’s Prayer Divine Liturgy Text