Friday, December 11, 2020

“A person learns to love and forgive others only when he/she has learned to love and forgive oneself - in silence.”  - Mother Raphaela, Living in Christ pg 18


Do we find it difficult or uncomfortable to sit with ourselves in silence? We may find it like looking in a mirror and realizing that we need some exercise. When we sit in silence, we face our inner selves.  

With more and more relying on technology while restricted from gathering in person, it is difficult to remember to take time to simply be silent.   

Self-knowledge is necessary in order for us to truly grow and be our best selves with God and others.  God Himself is the only one who can truly and fully reveal us to ourselves.  

A portion of our daily personal prayer ought to include silence.  After starting with our usual prayers inviting God into that moment, add 2 minutes of silence. [Repeat the Jesus prayer in your head, and no other distracting thoughts] Maybe even set a timer if it helps.  Those minutes will feel like the longest minutes at first. Including that time with God, silent time with God, will open our hearts for Him to reveal things to us. To listen for His small still voice.(2) Christ will help us to feel grounded and see everything much more clearly and peacefully throughout our day.  

“He will let silence be the way in which I learn to listen and He is able to speak. He will allow books [Scripture] to come my way with passages that suddenly cause things to make sense - where before there was only confusion. People I have known for years may suddenly say or do some very familiar thing, and I will be given the grace to hear or see the meaning for the first time.”(3)

Let us choose to have silent time with God, so that our lives may speak volumes of His love.


1) "Lord Jesus Christ Son of God, have mercy on me the sinner."

2) 1 Kings 19:11-13 "the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice." 3)  
Mother Raphaela, Living in Christ pg 26.