Wednesday, December 9, 2020

 “A humble heart O God, You will not despise.” Psalm 50:17. 



What does Christ want for Christmas?  The Magi are bringing their gifts, but what are we bringing to Christ on Christmas day? 

A humble heart is the best gift we can give Christ, it is the best invitation for Christ to enter our lives. Christ shows us what it means to be humble from the cave all the way through the Cross.  

We follow Christ’s example of Godly humility by offering Him the gift of our humility: both with our love in our kindness and in our repentance of our shortcomings.  We offer both our good and our bad to Christ on Christmas day since He is the only one who can heal it all. 

Christ desires that relationship with us, that we bring Him everything in our lives.  

When we give the gift of a humble heart, we cannot help but recognize that we depend on God, and He will help us grow in our humility. We will engage in a relationship with our Creator and ask Him to, “Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a right spirit within me.” (Psalm 50:10)

Let us strive to offer Christ our humble heart and all that it involves, presenting Him with the best possible gift we can offer Him on Christmas day.  Our lives and the lives of those around us will be transformed forever.


1) Matthew 11:28-30