Friday, September 25, 2020

“To send a quick thought, an inward nod of the head so to speak, in His direction, can keep us centered in the midst of all sorts of distractions.”

- Mother Raphaela, Growing in Christ, pg 85  


Mother Raphaela gives us great advice on how to pray without ceasing.(1)

This is a great way to involve God in our lives throughout every moment of the day, while in the midst of our activities.  Through this inward nod, we acknowledge God’s presence as we go about our day, and in this way we continue to grow closer to Him. 

The more opportunities we open ourselves to Christ, the more we will recognize His unconditional and constant love for us. He is always there, but unless we open our dialogue with Him through prayer, we may not recognize it. 

If we take this to heart, when it comes time for dedicated prayer, we will feel even more-so that we are speaking with our Heavenly Father, as our loving Father that He is. 
