Friday, September 4, 2020

 “All things are possible with Christ...Things are simple.  If you give your heart to Him, there will be no room for other things...Are you engulfed by fear and disenchantment? Turn to Christ.  Love Him simply and humbly, without any demand, and He Himself will free you.”

- St Porphyrios, Wounded by Love, pg 135.


St Porphyrios reminds us that things are simple in life when we rely on Christ. Certainly there are many ‘logistics’ in life that are complicated (health, education, career, family situations, etc). St Porphyrios does not disregard these life stressors, instead he focuses on our approach to them as Orthodox Christians.  The ‘logistics’ of life will always exist, how we experience them depends on our inner disposition. Our heart must remain simple.(1)

Whenever we find ourselves in fear or distress, what is our go-to remedy? It is best to turn to Christ.  If we engage in our life with Christ, there will not be room for any negativity in our hearts.   

Christ says, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light.”(2) Let us take Him up on His offer! 

We take Christ up on this offer for rest from our burdens when we love Him simply and humbly, without any demand or ulterior motive, as the saint describes.  We do everything simply and meekly, meaning, without an ulterior motive, we do things naturally pure.(3)  When we pray and love Christ without making calculations, without thinking of what we may receive in return for our love, then our hearts are simple and it is truly unconditional and Christ-like love(4) that we have for God and one another. 

All things are possible with Christ, so let us not limit ourselves by making decisions from a place of fear or distress. Rather, when we consider and make decisions from a simple heart that is given unconditionally to Christ, we give room for Him to reveal what His Will is in our lives, what is best for us. We open ourselves up to unending potential, rooted in Christ. 

3) St Porphyrios, Wounded by Love, pg 138.