Wednesday, July 28, 2021

“You drive away the assaults of temptations, and attacks of the passions, O Virgin, therefore do we praise you throughout the many ages.” 
- Hymn from the 8th Ode of Small Paraklesis.


The intercessions of the Ever-Virgin Mary, the Theotokos, have the ‘boldness’ of a mother unlike any other saint, before Christ Himself. 

As we approach the Fast for the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, let us cultivate a prayerful relationship with her, asking for her prayers before Christ as we do constantly in all of our services(1).  

When we develop our prayer-life to include asking for the help of the Saints, especially of the Mother of God, we will experience the help of God through the prayers of the Saints. 

1) Link to Liturgical Service Texts (see how often the Virgin Mary is mentioned and asked for her prayers)