Wednesday, February 3, 2021

 “A small but persistent discipline is a great force; for a soft drop falling persistently hollows out a hard rock.”   

- St Isaac the Syrian What the Fathers Say About, pg 260


Sometimes it feels like the hardest thing to do is to change ourselves. 

That is because we try to do it by ourselves, but what would happen if we relied on Christ? For, "with men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible"(1) 

We need Christ + consistency on our end. If we start small, but keep ourselves accountable for the small change we are making, it will lead to our transformation in Christ.

If we want to be more patient, loving, or peaceful - start with a small amount of prayer each day, and/or 5 minutes of reading Scripture. Set a particular time, and keep consistent. 

The result over time is a changed life; for we will have consistently invited God into our day and He will help us grow and nurture the habits we want to keep.


1) Matthew 19:25-27