Wednesday, November 11, 2020

“It is the poor man who holds out his hand, but it is God Himself who receives whatever you give to the poor.”  - St John Chrysostom (1) Reflection

“Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.”(2)

It is our friend who needs help, but God Himself Who receives the sacrifice of our time. 

It is our family member who asks for a favor, but God Himself Who receives our selfless giving. 

It is our spouse who needs our undivided attention, but God Himself Who receives our gift of compassion by active listening. 

It is our “enemy” who mistreats us, but God Himself Who receives the gifts of love, forgiveness, and mercy we show that person.  

It is our self that we blame for many things, but God Himself Who receives our repentance when we choose to change our ways, forgive ourselves, and love Him.  

Let us remember that each human being is made in His Image.(3)  
