Friday, July 17, 2020

I know that love and empathy, implemented with the will to serve, can transcend all things and work incredible miracles; that one can overcome shyness, fatigue, fear, and even what seems to be uncontrollable physical repulsion, by a simple overwhelming longing to serve and be of use...I have learned where there is faith in the Lord, His work can be done.”     

Mother Alexandra, I Live Again, pg 82. 

Mother Alexandra, nun and founder of the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration in Pennsylvania, was born Princess Ileana of Romania and later married as Archduchess of Austria. In her memoir, I Live Again, Mother Alexandra tells us of her journey living through WWI as a royal child and WWII as a royal mother of 6 and how she made it to America with her children. Mother Alexandra spent a lot of time locating and visiting the wounded Romanian soldiers of WWII, some who would heal and others who would not, and provided medical as well as emotional support. She even established a hospital for wounded Romanian soldiers in her castle in Austria. It was from this difficult and unimaginable environment of WWII that Mother Alexandra felt compelled to help in every way she could, and tells us about all she learned. What Mother Alexandra describes above is the Christian spirit, the vigor within the heart of someone united with Christ. She shows us the value and benefits of living in love(1), empathy(2), and the overwhelming longing to serve and be of use(3). With these qualities of a Christian that are rooted in our relationship with Christ, we can overcome anything. We can overcome what we perceive as weaknesses or even our circumstances, to rise and be of help to God and our neighbors.
We are facing a lot of challenges and instabilities these days with COVID-19 and civil unrest. May we take to heart Mother Alexandra’s words, to find the strength of Christ needed to thrive in our own difficult times.

1) Mark 12:30-31 Love the Lord your God with all your soul, mind, strength and your neighbor as yourself...and Matthew 5:46 Love your enemies
3) Matthew 20:16 - “So the last will be first, and the first will be last.” - We are all servants of Christ, and of one another.